Many new users rush out to try scripts blindly. This is both risky and unnecessary, because mIRC has many advanced features built in already, and adding scripts written by strangers can add new features, but they can also slow down or cripple mIRC, or worse yet, cause you to "hacked" just like if you opened email attachments blindly. - irchelp.org
Here is some guide how to choose a mIRC scripts (taking from irchelp.org - editing)
Safe Scripts:
Where do you find safe scripts? Well, if you don't understand mIRC scripting, you are at the mercy of that scripts author. About all that is left is relying on someone else's guidance. The best place to start if you are new to IRC and just starting is finding a script archive website that REVIEWS the scripts they host.
Just because a script site has been around for quite awhile doesn't mean all the scripts there are safe. Over the years I have seen both archive websites and very popular scripts go from being useful and trustworthy to tools to hack your computer. You have to accept the responsibility for any script you choose to use, where ever you obtain that script from. The information here is simply a helpful guide, not a form of assurance.
Kinds of Scripts:
There are thousands of scripts with different purposes. Some people want lots of colorful popups .. others want to control channel behavior .. the next user wants to limit spam advertisements. The "best" script is one that fits your needs. You have to decide what those are. What exactly do you want the script to do for you?
Full scripts handle lots of different functions, usually including flood attack protection, file transfers, marking you away when you are idle, and more.
Addon scripts are more specific in purpose. A single addon script will handle setting you away, another addon script will deal with floods or attacks. There are thousands of addon scripts written for different purposes from fservers to memo handling.
Scripts can be a single file, usually with an mrc file extension. Normally that file can be written as a "Remote" script. There are three script sections in mIRC: Remotes, Aliases, and Popups. Remotes work without you needing to interact via the keyboard or a mouse. Aliases are for keyboard shortcuts and Popups are written for your mouse.
However, as mIRC scripting advanced, it became possible to add aliases and popups to a "remote" script. This blurred the distinction between the three sections. For more info on how the three sections work and are interrelated, read the current mIRC FAQ and the mIRC Help file that came with your copy of mIRC.
Signs of a Backdoor or Hacking in a Script:
Script features to be very very careful of ..
1. Any scripts (usually found bundled as zip or rar files) that include an associated file that ends with the extension .exe or .bat [Ed. note - many other extensions are also dangerous]
2. Scripts that force you to join a particular channel or message a specific user
3. Scripts that have /sockopen or any unexpected "Socket" components written into them.
4. Scripts that require you to use a .dll (dynamic link library) file that they provide.
Also: Scripts that advertise themselves are, at best, rude and are more likely to have a backdoor.
Note that if you are looking for a "socket based script" it will obviously have socket components in it. The same for a dll based script. My best advice for new users is not to use these unless you can personally evaluate the script in question or you have been around IRC long enough to know someone you can trust that is expert enough to do it for you.
Popular scripts are sometimes converted into backdoors and offered to new users. The same for popular dll files. You spend some time on IRC and start seeing people use a particular script, finally you find it at some website. But the script you find may not be the one that was originally written. A malicious individual may have taken the original script or dll and added a virus feature to it and then reposted it. You think you are getting the nice, safe original and the next thing you know you have opened a door into your computer. So be careful.
To Download some script:
mIRC Script (1)
mIRC Script (2)