Tuesday, February 26, 2008


mIRC has its own programming language that allows scripters to enhance mIRC by adding new features, changing the layout, and just about anything else.

Many new users rush out to try scripts blindly. This is both risky and unnecessary, because mIRC has many advanced features built in already, and adding scripts written by strangers can add new features, but they can also slow down or cripple mIRC, or worse yet, cause you to "hacked" just like if you opened email attachments blindly. - irchelp.org

Read this guide-to-choose-mirc-script before you download a mIRC script.

More mIRC Sripts:

1. eXtReMe]-TR 7.o by DiNaMiT
File Size: 4.21 mb
Author Description: mail system,Clone-War,Clone detector,PErfect Query/Channel Protection etc.
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2. Invincible 1.0 by Xtry
File Size: 13.96 mb
Script Types: All Around, Entertainment, Popups, Protection, Utility
Author Description: Invincible Script (First Public Release) by Xtry is using mIRC 6.12. The Best ALL AROUND Script you'll ever see. It has Utilities,Protections,Entertainments,and easy Script Setup also. And DALnet Services Options, IRCops Stuffs, Advanced Display, Themes, Advanced Popups, etc. (Invincible - A Perfect Display Of Intelligence)
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3. MP3 Script 5.72 by DigitAl56K
File Size: 77.08 kb
Script Types: Entertainment
Author Description: A clean fully featured MP3 add-on for mIRC with display presets, preset editor, title correction, mp3 list, Perfectly Random technology etc. Powerful and amazingly easy to use, works with your own choice of mp3 player (WinAMP recommended). mIRC 6.0 required.
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4. DreamBot IRC Bot 5.1 by MrZipen
File Size: 262.02 kb
Script Types: Channel Bot, Protection
Author Description: DreamBot IRC Bot is a cool mIRC based IRC bot. It has many wonderful features including: channel protections, massmoding (like eggdrop), graphical configuration, etc. Download Now

5. Ebless ScripT v8 by Ebless
File Size: 1.32 mb
Script Types: Protection
Author Description: Stop Flood, Kicks Clones, Repeating, Mass Join, Advertising, Text Flood, Action Flood, Notice Flood, Swearing, Open Proxy, Black List, Fliter Kick, Join Part, Phone Numbers, Ban Protection. Control lmits +l , DALnet Commands, Blocked Advertising.
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6. Mona's Bot 3.5 by Mona
File Size: 1.32 mb
Script Types: All Around, War
Author Description: mona's bot has many features and advantages. It has an auto talk system.The Best mIRC Bot/About 100 Bot And Chan Commands/ 4 User Levels A Admin, Master, Helper, And A Basic User/ Self Protection/ War Flood Bots/ Scanner/mp3 music and lots of midis inside it. So download it today.
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7. LudrioScript 1.6 by DJ-Maggi
File Size: 7.15 mb
Script Types: All Around
Author Description: This script has everything, all protections, easy setup, control panel, toolbar, lots of useful stuff, network services options for QuakeNet, UnderNet and DALnet, BNC Manager, entertainment, lots of popups, utilities, channel games, winamp displayer, channel scanners, mass commands, sound system, easy theme system, away system, help system, everything you need + lots of extra stuff And much more.
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8. Polaris X 1.11 by Conglomo/BSN
File Size: 1.28 mb
Author Description: Polaris X is a new style of irc scripts in general. Incorperating many of the features that might bind you to one script or another we tried to bring it all into one central script. Not only have we completely redone the way polaris works as well as its auto-update features we also have tried to maintain the general look of the original polaris. With major upgrades to our file-server and endless upgrades to the core itself Polaris X is really built to support the users choice for what they want their irc script to look and feel like. Polaris, quoted by www.dslreports.com's irc guide, is known as the grandfather of irc and after 4 years of dormency we release this script with much anticipation and pride. We hope that you will all enjoy it as much as we have. Its been an long process and a time consuming one. So if you have any feedback, good or constructive, please jump onto www.polaris-central.com and hit up our forums. Thanks.
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9. AnacønÐa ns2.15 by Snake
Project Type: Full Script
File Size: 706.134 kb
Description: AnacønÐa is a mIRC script designed with a clean and easy-to-use interface, featured with a considerable amount of utilities meant to make your chating on IRC networks more pleasable. It has a simple Mp3 player. Compatible with mIRC 6.16 *only*
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10. Chaos v3.1 by Morphy
File Size: 615 kb
Compatible with: mIRC v6.03
Review by: Hawkee
Clearly, a lot of time and effort has gone into Chaos script. It features a very user friendly interface that includes a configuration window similar to mIRC's traditional options window. You can load and unload features as you see fit; among these are: E-Mail Sender, File Downloader, File Seeker, and an mp3 player. My only gripe is the inability to expand the log manager window so I can more clearly read the logs. Sometimes it's helpful to have control over the dialog size. Overall, I'm very pleased with this script's display of dialogs and incorporation into mIRC.
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11. Xoniq Xcript 6.4.5 by Nixor
File Size: 949 kb
Compatible with: mIRC v6.14
Author notes: Its a complete script, with all of nesesary tools for irc. This update have a some news and bugs fixed, for more information view the script help ;). This version come with English lenguage default.! The scrollbars on the channels protections its becasuse the channel protections is off in the button "desactivar todas" the problem is this addon its not multi lenguage but in the 6.4 version thats protections was made multi lenguage.
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12. Xchat Clone by afterstep
File Size: 94 kb
Compatible with: mIRC v6.16
Author notes: a script that attempts to mimic the style and behavior of the unix IRC client Xchat. feedback is welcome. slackware74@hotmail.com
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Template by - Abdul Munir - 2008